Corner of Kindness Community & Outreach Programs
Corner of Kindness began focusing on Public Education and Assistance as well as Outreach in 2018.
Short term help to make a long term difference! These programs are made possible by donations.
We have locations in Minnesota, South Carolina, and Georgia
Public Assistance
We are able to provide the following to qualifying pet owners as available:
For Dogs:
Dog Food
Toys & Treats
Financial Assistance for Spay/Neuter
*All items depend on availability and qualifying application.
For Cats:
Cat Food
Toys & Treats
Financial Assistance for Spay/Neuter
*All items depend on availability and qualifying application.
"With my mother being a single mother and recent cut in her hours it's left me in a harder spot with bills, to really provide my best friend with the things he deserves."
Having one time supplemental help was a great experience for this client!
An unexpected loss of a father and a husband left a family struggling. Upon reading their plea we were able to supply them with food & supplies for their dogs & cats.
When you're on disability it only takes one unexpected expense before you've run out of money. This photo is of one of our cat-dad clients, his cat Mittens, and our Program Director, Taylor. A fun fact about this client is he spends his free time helping underprivileged youth.
Shelter Assistance
Corner of Kindness works to help meet the needs of shelters by providing needed supplies. Our Holiday Giving Program 2018 supplied multiple MN shelters with 496 assistance items!
As of July 2022 Corner of Kindness Resource Offices provided those in need with:
7,658 pounds of dog or cat food
207.5 pounds of kitty litter
2,939 supply items
Financing and arrangement for 14 spay/neuters